On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 4:26 PM, tvn <nguyenthanh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a built in function that given  n variables and d degree,
> compute all the terms from degree 0 to d  of all those n variables
> combined ? The # of terms =  bionomial(n+d,d)

Not built in exactly, but here is one way:

sage: vars =  (1,) + var('y, q, d, x, dd, r')
sage: degree = 2
sage: [prod(vars[i] for i in indices) for indices in
[1, y, q, d, x, dd, r, y^2, q*y, d*y, x*y, dd*y, r*y, q^2, d*q, q*x,
dd*q, q*r, d^2, d*x, d*dd, d*r, x^2, dd*x, r*x, dd^2, dd*r, r^2]


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