On Jul 12, 7:29 pm, Carl Witty <carl.wi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 12, 2:28 am, David Sanders <dpsand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been playing around with the implicit_plot3d command, and it's
> > very nice.
> > Is there something similar to plot regions defined by inequalities in
> > 3D, along the lines of the Mathematica
> > RegionPlot3D command?  I see that there is an old discussion from 2
> > years ago about this.
> > It seems to me (in my ignorance) that the kind of algorithm required
> > to do this should not be too different from that for implicit_plot3d
> > with the region option. (Though implicit_plot3d draws surfaces,
> > whereas region_plot3d would draw volumes. But apparently the marching
> > cubes algorithm is used for both?)
> I haven't looked at this stuff in more than a year, but I think this
> is all accurate:
> Our plotting framework doesn't really "understand" volumes, only
> surfaces.  So it would be a major overhaul to produce a plot that
> showed (via some sort of volumetric shading, say) the difference
> between the "inside" and the "outside" of your region.

Yes, I agree, although that overhaul could well be worth it!

> However, if you want to produce a plot of the surface of your region,
> that's pretty easy.  If your region is defined by a single inequality
> F(x,y,z)<0, then you can just implicit_plot3d F(x,y,z).  If your
> region is defined as a boolean combination of inequalities, then
> arrange all the inequalities to be of the form F(x,y,z) < 0, then drop
> all the "< 0", replace "and" with "max_symbolic", replace "or" with
> "min_symbolic", and replace "not F(x,y,z)" with "-F(x,y,z)".  Also,
> when you plot, because ofhttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9483
> you need to add "smooth=False".
> Here's a complete example.  This forms the intersection between a cube
> and the union of two cylinders.
> sage: var('x,y,z')
> (x, y, z)
> sage: implicit_plot3d(max_symbolic(min_symbolic(x*x+y*y-1, x*x+z*z-2),
> x-1.8, y-1.8, z-1.8, -x-1.8, -y-1.8, -z-1.8), (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2),
> (z, -2, 2), smooth=False)
> It would be great to put all of this into a region_plot3d command, but
> as far as I know, Sage does not yet support symbolic conjunctions and
> disjunctions ("and"s and "or"s); so it would be difficult to tell
> region_plot3d about any region more complicated than a single
> inequality.

OK, thanks, I had come to a similar conclusion, though the trick with
max_ and min_symbolic is neat.
For the moment I think this will do most of the things that I need,
but the fact that there are no symbolic and's and or's
makes it quite (=very) messy if there are multiple intersecting
volumes which restrict each other.


> Carl

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