First check if the prerequisite compilers are available. As a rule they are not in a standard installation of fedora! Usually these compilers are missing.

1. $ gcc -v
2. $ gfortran -v
the appearing text will inform you if gcc is available ore not.

(I assume most readers know how to install packages, let me describe it anyway.)
Independently you can install that compilers without any previos check:
use su:
# yum install gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran
or as normal user:
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran

The naming convention of the packages differs from the other Linux distros I know and use! Debian for instance uses simple g++ for g++ and calls gfortran simply gfortran in the package repository. Don not ask me for a reason. Red Hat is making things different just as a rule and in my oppinion sooner or later it will be a completely different distro.

The error:

Whatever I do and whatever I install the build of sage version 4.4.3 will stuck with an error in the sage-directory libgcrypt-1.4.4.p2 after about 1 minute. fedora 13 has installed libgcrypt-1.4.5-4. Are this versions compatible?? As there are no other mails about problems with fedora13 libgcrypt I do not believe that this is a fedora-problem. But on different sage groups I found the remark concerning saae-4.4.2 from about Mai 2010

 There seems to be a problem with libgcrypt on Fedora 13.  It looks
 like someone found a fix 
 will try to get this fixed for the next release of Sage.

To my regret, that given link is not available - 404.

Does there any sage-user have this fix? I f it is any? And can make this bublic?

Regards bb

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