
I always thought that categories and functors are about objects *and*
morphisms. But is this implemented in the categories of Sage?

  sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
  sage: f = R.hom([2*x],R)
  sage: C = Fields()
  sage: R in C # R is no field, so its fine:
  sage: f in C.hom_category() # ??
  sage: C.hom_category()
  Category of hom sets in Category of rings

So, the fields do not have their own hom category, and instead use
ring homomorphisms.

Now about functors. The fraction field construction is functorial, and
indeed one has
  sage: F = C(R)
  sage: F
  Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring

But if it is a functor, I would expect that in some way one is able to
transform f into the corresponding automorphism of F.

Is this implemented in Sage? I expected that C(f) would return a
morphism, but it only yields an error. And while
  sage: f2 = C.hom_category()(f)
does not raise an error, one has
  sage: f2 is f
so, this is not what I was looking for.

f.extend_codomain(F).extend_domain(F) or F.hom(f,F) doesn't work
either. Another failing attempt was to work with a proper functor,
  sage: Frac = F.construction()[0]
  sage: Frac
  sage: Frac(R) is F
  sage: Frac(f)

So, what can one do? Is there the framework to implement the missing
bits? When I look at the code in sage/categories/functor.pyx, it seems
that morphisms are not taken care of.

Best regards,

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