with sage -f maxima, it made an error
The end of the compilling messages was:

configure: error: No lisp implementation specified and none of the
default executables
were found in PATH
Failed to configure Maxima.

real    0m2.327s
user    0m0.286s
sys     0m0.529s
sage: An error occurred while installing maxima-5.12.0
Please email sage-devel http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
explaining the problem and send the relevant part of
of /Applications/sage-4.3.5/install.log.  Describe your computer,
operating system, etc.
If you want to try to fix the problem yourself, *don't* just cd to
/Applications/sage-4.3.5/spkg/build/maxima-5.12.0 and type 'make
check' or whatever is appropriate.
Instead, the following commands setup all environment variables
correctly and load a subshell for you to debug the error:
(cd '/Applications/sage-4.3.5/spkg/build/maxima-5.12.0' && '/
Applications/sage-4.3.5/sage' -sh)
When you are done debugging, you can type "exit" to leave the

Any idea of the deep cause of the error?


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