On Apr 20, 4:00 am, Wilfried Huss <h...@finanz.math.tugraz.at> wrote:
> Tom wrote:
> > I would like to use parts of my Sage notebooks for lecture notes.
> > Is there a script or some other convenient way of exporting Sage
> > notebooks to LaTeX?
> You can use
> http://www.bitbucket.org/whuss/sws2tex/

This looks cool, whuss!  I had a problem, though, when trying to use

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Downloads/sws2tex/sws2tex.py", line 53, in <module>
    from pygments import highlight
ImportError: No module named pygments

I have

Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin

At the very least it should be pointed out in the README (thanks,
Robert!) that some nonstandard package is required.  Or, that one
should use

./sage -python sws2tex.py

to invoke it :)

Also that wget is needed (apparently not supplied with OSX!!!), etc.
I'm not even sure how to get it to show up in sh, just in bash, on
OSX...  Do you think your scripts would work okay if I let sh be an
alias for bash, or do they have sh-specific syntax?

I know these are probably all standard in the Linux-expert world, but
this would seem to me to have the potential to be very helpful to
people not at all comfortable with command line (i.e., to make a
clickable application which runs this taking sws files as input, I
don't think it's too hard to do) and things like this unfortunately
might stand in the way of your hard work being more widely used.

- kcrisman

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