With the Sage Live CD it should be possible to do a frugal install to
the windows partition and boot it using the windows program unetbootin
(Freeware). So you dont need a linux partition to install. All you
need to do is to copy the SageLivePup08.iso to your windows drive and
then run unetbootin. Configuration is done with 2 or 3 mouseklicks.
After that you have the possibility for dual boot.

It is also possible to install the Live CD to a USB stick, I guess
most students have on and use it daily. On many computers there is the
option to boot from USB.

While I think setting up a server is the most professional solution, I
also guess some (maybe not all) students like the possibility to play
around with sage and install it on their own computer.
The Live CD version (which is as explained also a small frugal
version, and an USB sage version) contains also the sage documentation
and tutorial, so it should be helpfull for beginners.

just to add more options
kind regards, emil

On 16 Apr., 09:14, Alasdair <amc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Next semester I'd like to try to use Sage in my cryptography class,
> instead of Maxima, which I've been using so far (I've also
> experimented with Axiom).   All the labs at my university run under MS
> Windows; some labs allow a dual boot to linux.  So my options seem to
> be:
> 1) In a dual boot lab, install Sage on the linux partition and have
> the students boot into linux
> 2) Run Sage in Wubi Linux in Windows
> 3) Use a live CD version of Sage, and issue one to each student
> 4) Put Sage inside VirtualBox
> My experience with students using Linux is less than positive; many
> feel horribly out of their comfort zone when not in a Windows
> environment.  So I'd like (for file handling, saving and retrieving
> files etc) the students to be as much of a Windows setting as
> possible.
> I'm wondering what experience teachers here have had with Sage,
> Windows, and students?
> Thanks,
> Alasdair
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