On Apr 13, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Adam Getchell wrote:
Hi all,
I realize this maybe a bit of an insane question, but I'm looking
for a way to use ecl within sage besides:
./sage -ecl
I have googled for relevant results, but documentation on
sage.interfaces.lisp seems broken right now:
That just happened to be a file sitting in someone's directory. It
doesn't look like its in the user manual, http://hg.sagemath.org/sage-main/file/ea02bc44fa94/sage/interfaces/lisp.py
can serve as a reference though. Basically, you can do
sage: lisp("(+ 1 2)")
and whatever else you want, including reading in files, etc. You can
also do
sage: a = lisp(1)
sage: b = lisp(2)
sage: a + b
sage: type(a+b)
<class 'sage.interfaces.lisp.LispElement'>
If it helps, here's the background:
We've got some rather neat causal dynamical triangulation (2d
quantum gravity) code running in Lisp. The lisp environment lacking
certain facilities, I thought it would be neat to find a way to run
it within Sage and take advantage of all the nice facilities
provided. I'm looking to avoid rewriting it in python for now,
though I would certainly do it if advised that was the only way.
One of the primary goals of all the interfaces is so you can use your
existing code right from Sage. Give the above a try.
- Robert
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