emil schrieb:
On Mar 22, 10:44 am, bb <bblo...@arcor.de> wrote:
emil schrieb:
On Mar 20, 10:52 pm, Alec Mihailovs <alec.mihail...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mar 19, 4:51 am, bb <bblo...@arcor.de> wrote:
I tried to compile sage from source on slitaz, a very small and
ultrafast starting linux and slitaz might be installed to a bootable USB.
No success.
You could just use Sage live CD (bootable). If it boots from a CD, it
would boot from USB as well, I guess.
It is rather small, contains Sage 4.3.1 on Puppy Linux, and is
available from
as well on other mirrors.
Alec Mihailovs
To get the Sage Lice CD installed on USB should be easy. Start the
Live CD. Then Go to the
Menu>Setup>Puppy Universal Installer
There are plenty of install options. Choose USB hard drive or USB
flash drive.
The following menus should be straightforward, try to stick with the
install options.
I tested it and post this message from the live CD installed to a
flash drive.
Advantage is that it runs considerable faster than the LIVE CD and it
is easy to carry it around.
PS: There is also Menu>Setup>BootFlash Install Puppy to USB. This
wizard is more advanced and will also format your stick. If you want
to keep your data use the "universal installer" mentioned above
Tnx. I will try Sage live on USB for my new machines. But "on road" I
use a 20 years old laptop that wont start from USB. Why? No one ever
tried to steal it!
Regards BB
Hi BB,
there are still possibilites for your ancient laptop. Generally the
base distro for the live CD was designed to run on old hardware.
If you have 700 MB free on your HD you can try a frugal install. This
will not conflict with any existing OS on your laptop.
If your primary OS is Linux you can use GRUB (comes with the Live CD:
Menu>System>GRUB Bootloader config) to boot the Live CD.
I don't know how to do this with old windows or dos versions, but on
XP you can use the program Unetbootin to make a frugal install into a
windows partition (tested).
There is also the possibility to have a boot floppy (google for puppy
linux wakepup). This floppy can boot puppy linux from a device which
is not bootable otherways (e.g your USB), so it should also work for
the Sage live CD.
About saving your work: In theorie it should be possible to save your
work on the USB in a "pupsave" file. This file is created after your
first boot. Basically it contains all modifications to the directory
structure, especially the folder /root.
So if you have a frugal install of the live CD on your old laptop, but
no pupsave file on the hard disk and the laptop can find the pupsave
file on your USB during booting, you can still access your directories
and work on your Sage USB/Flash stick.
Hope it works for you, and I hope I can finalize my next release of
the live CD (including Texmacs).
I know puppy as a valuable linux distro from some former experiments a
couple of month ago (and years ago with compact flash). (The page
http://www.puppylinux.com/hard-puppy.htm of Barry Kauler helped me at
that time in understanding - I think it is still a good source of
A good idea to use it - I will switch my antique laptop completely to
your Sage puppy by a full installation. (May be a frugal install is
easier to upgrade?)
And TeX support is an important feature! BTW Lyx is a comfortable way
for writing scientific and illustrated texts (GUI with a slight touch of
Scientific Word/Scientific Notebook from MacKichan Software, but thanks
to GPL for 0$!). Lyx allows to compile to postscript and pdf, and by
extra tools to convert the .lyx document to TeX, LateX, and even to HTML.
Tnx for Sage puppy and help - BB
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