
On Wed, 3 Mar 2010 08:08:13 -0800 (PST), Ben Linowitz 
<benjamin.linow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wrote a little program which almost brought my department's server
> down and would like to know why. Here is a brief description of the
> program [I can reproduce the actual code if necessary]:

That would indeed be helpful.

> By the way, the version of sage on the server is: SAGE Version 3.1.2,
> Release Date: 2008-09-19

My computer tells me that today's date is 2010-03-04.  The latest
version of Sage is 4.3.3.  That could very well be the issue :)

If you can, try to get sage-4.3.3 and run your code again.  Judging from
your email, I guess that your department's server runs Debian or Ubuntu,
and it has the distribution's (very very old) version of Sage
installed.  You could try to convince your system administrator to get
the latest version of Sage and install it (it would have to be a binary
from sagemath.org or building from source, since there isn't a more
recent Debian package).  If that's difficult, you can always put Sage
into your own home directory (if your disk quota allows it).

If you post your full code here then someone else could run it on
sage-4.3.3 and report on their findings.  Either it will work well,
which would give you a good argument to get your sysadmin to upgrade; or
it will bring somebody else's server down, in which case there's
probably some bug to fix.


Alex Ghitza -- http://aghitza.org/
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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