I only use "sage -python" or "sage -ipython" with PyCUDA stuff, so that
part's probably right. I'm running 64-bit Fedora and 64-bit CUDA (straight
from NVIDIA, I had to fight a fair bit with this to work with Fedora 11's
 4.4 gcc), and PyCUDA's tests work fine with Sage's Python. I would try to
get PyCUDA working with Sage's Python than try to get Sage to use non-Sage
Python but I wish you luck on your gamble.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Matthew Bromberg <mattc...@earthlink.net>wrote:

>  I actually got to the point where it would install using a similar
> approach.  I've been using  the special shell environment for sage that
> forces the correct python paths and so forth.  Unfortunately my install
> segfaults when I try to run the tests.  My systems python will run the
> pycuda tests without complaining.  Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to
> dig much further.
> My next trick was going to be to attempt to make sage use my system
> python.   I found a website that walks you through the procedure,  but I've
> been so busy  I haven't had a chance to try it.
> Out of curiosity are you running a 64 bit or 32 bit version of linux?  I'm
> running a 64 bit archlinux.  I'm wondering if my cuda libraries are
> compatible with the sandboxed python.
> On 3/1/2010 2:09 PM, Ahmed Fasih wrote:
> Ignoring the oft-considered and oft-rejected suggestion that Sage
> integrate with its host system, I take it that you couldn't get PyCUDA
> 0.9.3 working. I just got it working with Sage, Fedora 11, etc.
> When installing Boost 1.4.2, I made sure to "./bootstrap.sh --help"
> and see how to provide the correct Python path. My project-config.jam
> had the following line:
> using python : 2.6 : /home/aldebrn/sage/local ;
> Then of course PyCUDA wouldn't build. Here's the command I had to run:
> $ sage -python configure.py --boost-inc-dir=/home/aldebrn/pool/include
> --boost-lib-dir=$HOME/pool/lib --boost-python-libname=boost_python --
> boost-thread-libname=boost_thread --cuda-root=/usr/local/cuda
> Note that boost_python and boost_thread were from my boost/lib
> directories. I also had to symlink libcuda.so from /usr/local/cuda/
> lib64 to /usr/local/cuda/lib.
> Then I ran into this utterly absurd setuptools junk. I'll take my
> queue from Andreas' restraint and not complain bitterly like I want
> to. Anyway, after going into my sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages
> directory and
> $ rm setuptools*
> then going to my sage/local and deleting everything that
> $ find | grep easy_install
> revealed, I was able to build PyCUDA with "make install" and test it.
> It does complain about something, but it works:
> $ sage -python test_driver.py
> /home/aldebrn/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pycuda-0.93-py2.6-
> linux-x86_64.egg/pycuda/compiler.py:11: UserWarning:
> call_capture_stdout is deprecated: use call_capture_output instead
>   return call_capture_stdout([nvcc, "--version"])
> ................
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ran 16 tests in 4.719s
> OK
> Hope this helps some hapless soul.
> On Feb 20, 8:52 pm, SevenThunders <mattc...@earthlink.net> 
> <mattc...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>  I posted this on the development list,  but maybe I should have posted
> here:
> I have an archlinux x86-64  desktop and I successfully installed
> (compiled) sage.  I'd like to add some additional functionality
> however,  but I've been stymied by a number of issues.  First my top
> issue is to get pycuda working with sage,  which apparently others
> have done.  Unfortunately sage has an installation of setuptools which
> doesn't work with pycuda, and is supposed to be somewhat deprecated as
> of python 2.6.4.
> --------------
> I get an error of this type:
> Does your error message look like this?
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/setuptools-0.6c9-
> py2.6.egg/setuptools/command/build_ext.py",
> line 85, in get_ext_filename
> KeyError: '_something'
> You are using Python 2.6.3 with Setuptools. This will not work.
> Uninstall setuptools, install 
> distribute.http://wiki.tiker.net/DistributeVsSetuptools#switching
> ---------------
> Two other python libraries I could not install are PyQt4 and pygtk.
> The latter runs up against an error:
> --------------
> /usr/bin/ld: /opt/sage/sage/local/lib/../lib/
> libpython2.6.a(abstract.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against
> `.rodata.str1.8' can not be used when making a shared object;
> recompile with -fPIC
> /opt/sage/sage/local/lib/../lib/libpython2.6.a: could not read
> symbols: Bad value
> --------------
> This prevents some other libraries from installing.
> I'm not sure why the sage python distribution is so persnickety.  What
> I'd like to know is how hard would it be to compile sage and configure
> it to use Arch Linux's system python,  rather than the sandboxed
> python that comes with sage.  This would make it much easier to
> reliably use other python packages,  though of course it doesn't
> guarantee that sage would see a proven and tested environment, though
> isn't version control and package dependencies supposed to mitigate
> this issue?
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