On Wed, 17 Feb 2010 at 10:25PM -0800, eliot brenner wrote:
>  I have a program that includes the command to evaluate the K-Bessel
> function using Pari: it will sometimes be called with arguments like
> the following:
> bessel_K(5*i,320,"pari",100)
> which evaluates the Bessel function at index (first variable) 5i,
> value (second variable) 320, with 100 precision.
> This exhibits some unexpected behavior when called from within SAGE,
> as follows. The bessel_K fucntion, with fixed index, and growing
> second variable exhibits exhibits exponential decay, as shown by these
> (correct) calculations performed in Pari itself:
> ? besselk(5*I,200)
> %25 = 1.1515969255360280546036312473791321981 E-88 +
> 1.7485172637427202649 E-133*I
> sage: bessel_K(5*i,200,"pari",100)
> -4.3246147682420463563103557554e40 +
> 4.3246147682420463567825924037e40*I
> So they agree until the second variable reaches at least 50, but then
> SAGE starts reporting wrong answers.

Yikes. That's awful.

There are some other ways in which that function is broken; see

I'll mention these problems on that ticket, so that when we fix it, we
put in some doctests to make sure this doesn't happen again.


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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