SUCESS!! Thank you very much. I had already changed the sagetex.sty
file in my texmf. It had the one that comes with TeXLive, and I put
there the one that comes with Sage, since I noticed it was more
recent. That didn't seem to help, but I just did what you recommend
(sudo gzip sagetex.sty and then sudo mktexlsr) and now I am a very
happy camper.

Thank you very much for your help, and for writing sagetex.


On Feb 14, 6:51 pm, Dan Drake <> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 at 12:26PM -0800, Oscar wrote:
> > The story gets more complicated: I commented out the \sage{2^100}
> > calculation, and without that, it runs fine.
> The reason is a change in sagetex.sty. Right now, your system is using
> sagetex.sty from TeXLive (look for
> "/usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sagetex/sagetex.sty" in
> the log you posted). It's strange that "kpsewhich sagetex.sty" reports
> something in your personal texmf directory.
> If you look in the generated .sage file, you'll see something like
>   _st_.inline(0, 2^100)
> That line *should* read
>   _st_.inline(0, latex(2^100))
> Your error comes from something else in (the Python module)
> which is expecting a string -- the output of latex(2^100) -- and not an
> integer (2^100). This is a change made in a more recent version of
> SageTeX.
> Anyway, to make sure that TeX doesn't use an outdated version of
> sagetex.sty, I would go to
> /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sagetex and do something
> like
>     sudo gzip sagetex.sty
> and then
>     sudo mktexlsr
> You could also simply delete the directory; the point is to make sure
> that TeXLive doesn't see the old version of sagetex.sty.
> If you have a current version of sagetex.sty in ~/Library/texmf, then
> everything should work. (Famous last words...)
> Dan
> --
> ---  Dan Drake
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