This does not produce error, but probably is not what you want.

b = plot(sqrt(3)*x,(0,4))
f(z) = 4*log(z^3)-2*log(z^3-8)
g = lambda x,y: imag(f(x+y*I)) if y < sqrt(3)*x else float('nan')
a = contour_plot(g(x,y),(x,0,4),(y,0,4),fill=False,contours=30)
c = a + b

Aother (but related) question to sage-support: I have seen several
posts complaining to backwards compatibility of Sage (for example long
discussion entittled "
losing confidence in Sage notebooks"). Is hard to allow a kind of
doctesting to all worksheets in the .sage directory? The user could
run these tests to see, which worksheets have been broken after
upgrade. Or is this already in Sage?

Many thanks

On 2 led, 19:39, Sterling <> wrote:
> In the notebook under sage 4.2.1 this code seems to work OK, but under
> sage 4.3 I get an error. Is there some syntax change I overlooked?
> b = plot(sqrt(3)*x,(0,4))
> f(z) = 4*log(z^3)-2*log(z^3-8)
> g = lambda x,y: imag(f(x+y*I)) if y < sqrt(3)*x else float('nan')
> a = contour_plot(g,(x,0,4),(y,0,4),fill=False,contours=30)
> c = a + b
> c
> Thanks. This isn't imperative by any means. I was just going through
> some old notebooks from last semester.
> -Sterling

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