On Thu, 31 Dec 2009 at 10:13AM -0800, eliot brenner wrote:
> Is there a way to make all floating point calculations within a
> program or session occur to a fixed precision, say 500 digits?  I know
> how to  issue commands like
> R500 = RealField(500) #set up 500 bit precision arithmetic
> R500(pi)
> etc.  for an individual calculation.  But it would be preferable to be
> able to issue a command that would result in all functions within the
> program (such as sin, cos, etc.) evaluating to 500 bits precision, and
> all intermediate steps being stored to 500 significant bits, and so
> forth.  The main reason is that I want the result of a complex program
> to have a certain number of significant digits, and I am always afraid
> that some rounding is occurring in some intermediate step.  I want to
> insure that no rounding occurs in an intermediate step, and also that
> all functions evaluate to a fixed number of significant bits, without
> any rounding occurring.

I don't know if it will completely meet all your needs, but mpmath is
included with Sage and supports setting a precision -- see


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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