Hi Alex!

On 30 Dez., 06:37, Alex P <alexvpetr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is the code:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Sage Version 4.2.1, Release Date: 2009-11-14                       |
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sage: q = 3
> sage: F.<a> = FiniteField(q)
> sage: P.<T> = PolynomialRing(F)
> sage: PP.<z> = PolynomialRing(P)
> sage: time (z^3 + T*z)^(3^7)
> ^CException KeyboardInterrupt: KeyboardInterrupt() in
> 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_zmod_flint.get_cparent' ignored
> ^C
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Unhandled SIGFPE: An unhandled floating point exception occured in
> This probably occured because a *compiled* component
> of SAGE has a bug in it (typically accessing invalid memory)
> or is not properly wrapped with _sig_on, _sig_off.
> You might want to run SAGE under gdb with 'sage -gdb' to debug this.
> SAGE will now terminate (sorry).
> ------------------------------------------------------------

That's certainly a bug. I created a ticket for it:

As it is defined, PP is a polynomial ring in one variable over a
polynomial ring in one variable.
Would it be a good thing to  automatically convert this into a
polynomial ring with *two* variables? What do people think? If you
have an opinion about it, you might also comment on
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7580, where I do those
conversions for Infinite Polynomial Rings.

Note that Alex' example reveals another bug, this time in
  sage: F.<a> = FiniteField(3)
  sage: P.<T,z> = PolynomialRing(F)
  sage: type(P)
  sage: (z^3 + T*z)^(81*3) # immediate answer
  z^729 + T^243*z^243
  sage: (z^3 + T*z)^(2^20)
  /home/king/SAGE/sage-4.3/local/bin/sage-sage: line 206: 20889
Segmentation fault      sage-ipython "$@" -i

This was without Ctrl-C.

Certainly there should  be no segfault. If anything, there should an
error be raised.
I made this another ticket, http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7795

Thanks for the report!

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