> > Hello,
> > I wrote in Sage:
> > maxima.clear('x'); maxima.clear('fnth')
> > maxima.de_solve_Laplace("diff(fnth(x),x,60) = fnth(x)", ["x","fnth"], 
> > [0,1,5,2,3,65,8,9,5,43,2,4,5,6,5,3,2,4,6,76,8,7,56,4,3,3,4,5,6,8,9,7,5,4,3, 
> > 4,5,6,7,9,7,5,4,4,3,4,5,6,7,7,6,5,4,3,5,6,6,5,5,4,4])
> > and got:
> > fnth(x)='ilt((185*?g454^15-198*?g454^14+264*?g454^13-88*?g454^12+533*?g4\
> > 54^11+168*?g454^10+29*?g454^9+169*?g454^8+67*?g454^7-154*?g454^6-11*?g45\
> > e^-x/15
> > But when I then tried in Sage:
> > maxima(':LISP (g454)')
> To *evaluate* code in a maxima session, you do:
> maxima.eval(':LISP (g454)')
> In sharp contrast, maxima('...') creates a single Maxima element.
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org

Sage actually just 'froze' when I tried one of following after

maxima(':lisp (eval g454)')

maxima(":lisp (eval 'g454)")

maxima(':lisp (print g454)')

maxima.eval(':lisp (eval g454)')

maxima.eval(":lisp (eval 'g454)")

maxima.eval(':lisp (print g454)')

so, Sage couldn't find out the value of g454. Having used Maxima, I
assume g454 is independent of the variables used in Laplace-transform,
but may depend on other variables.

I tried the same in Maxima, and found out, that g454 is not a bound
variable. This probably means, that it is just an independent variable
that was named during Maxima Laplace transform.

So, I will assume g454 to be a 'constant'.

The actual problem includes actually several simultaneous differential
equations including several functions. This can easily be done in
Maxima using desolve (which uses Laplace transform).

But, If I understood correctly, Sage can not call Maxima with several
simultaneous differential equations. To solve this case one should try
to collect information from several separate differential

equations in Sage (???). As I don't know how this is done, I probably
need to solve this in Maxima without Sage and then import the result
in symbolic form to Sage.

Thank you for your help.

Jari-Pekka Ikonen

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