When I include LaTeX using the text() command in a 2-D
plot, the size of the text is not quite what I'd like.
For example, on p. 3 of the document here:


the sizes of the fractions in the SAGE plot are quite
different from the sizes LaTeX produces in the document
itself (e.g. right above the plot).  The commands used in
the plot were:

 t1=text("$y=\\frac{1}{1+x^2}$", (2.2, 0.5),
 rgbcolor='black', fontsize=18)
 t2=text("$y=x^2\!+\\frac{5}{12}$", (-2.1, 1.8),
 rgbcolor='black', fontsize=18)

(I note also the strange need for \! for correct spacing
in t2.)  I tried inserting \displaystyle and \\displaystyle
in the fractions in t1 and t2, but got error messages.

There is, of course, the obvious solution of creating
a separate text element for the numerator, denominator,
and line of the fraction, as well as the left-hand side
of the equation $y = \frac{1}{\displaystyle 1 + x^2}$,
and then tinkering with the sizes and alignment, but this
seems extremely tedious.

I admit this is a pretty minor issue, but I'd like to be
able to fix it.


   | Greg Marks                                     |
   | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science |
   | St. Louis University                           |
   | St. Louis, MO 63103-2007                       |
   | U.S.A.                                         |
   |                                                |
   | Phone: (314)977-7206                           |
   | Fax: (314)977-1452                             |
   | Web: http://math.slu.edu/~marks                |

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