Hi folks,

I received the following question about the notebook, but I have no
idea how to answer the question. I don't use the notebook on a
regularly basis. I thought someone on this list could help out.

Minh Van Nguyen

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:01 AM, Bernhard Esslinger
<bernhard.esslin...@db.com> wrote:
> Hello Minh,
> I asked a student to bring the ECC notebook from the Sage server in Siegen
> to sagenb.
> My question is: Is there an easy way to move *.PY files instead of *.SWS
> files, as the SWS file are very big?
> Description:
> Normal download of notebooks or worksheets are stored in the binary sws
> format.
> I'd like to have a more elegant war to use the Sage browser after starting
> notebook() to store *.PY files with the worksheets source.
> A workaround (not elegant) could be:
> - Open the notebook
> - Click on one worksheet of the list of worksheets within Home.
> - Click the button "Edit".
> - Mark via Crtl-A the whole text of the worksheet's sourcen des Worksheets,
> and copy this.
> With kind regards, Bernhard

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