On 1 lis, 15:08, "ma...@mendelu.cz" <ma...@mendelu.cz> wrote:
> I have two another improvements (and changed the script at
> http://user.mendelu.cz/marik/sage/sage2tex)
btw: another improvement in current http://user.mendelu.cz/marik/sage/sage2tex
(from October 30) are lines
lines 46-48
title = worksheet.readline()
lines 184-190 from TeX preamble:
\AddToShipoutPicture{\hbox to \paperwidth{\color{mygreen}\vrule
width 0.5em height\paperheight
\raise 2pt\hbox to \paperwidth{\tiny\hss\color{mygreen}\textrm {Robert
Ma\v{r}\'{\i}k}: \titlename \quad \hss Sage worksheet converted by
and line 206
this is used to write name of the author and name of the worksheet in
bottom line.
The name of the author is hardwired in my version, however it could be
perhaps passed from command line or config file.
I am thinking also on possibility how to translate the stuff D
[0,0]\left(y\right) into y''. I think that the simplest solution is to
allow users custom substitutions specified from command line or from
config file. And I think that there is a trac which will fix this
Questions to more experienced Sage users and developers:
when exporting sws file and unpacking, I do not understand the
1. what is the difference between sage_workseet/worksheet.html and
sage_workseet/worksheet.txt ? (neglecting the ffirst two lines, the
rest is identical in my notebooks)
2. My worksheet.html looks like this
x,y=var('x y')
<html><font color='black'><img src='cell://sage0.png'></font></html>
<html><font color='black'><img src='cell://sage0.pdf'></font></html>
Why is line like <html><font color='black'><img src='cell://
sage0.png'></font></html> missing in the output for cell id=4. The
file with the picture is in the directory and the picture is in the
notebook - exactly like for output of 2d plot in cell id=2. Is there
any reason to skip it, or is it a bug?
Thank you.
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