On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Le Fou Volant <alexaguilla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I finally got around to installing Sage on another machine I work on.
> This machine runs Linux Centos. The problem I had with my Mac is
> quantitatively different, but qualitatively the same:
> I can open 240 files in a for loop and get 1 variable
> from netcdf files (thanks to scipy.io.netcdf). I could
> not do that on the Mac (it crashed after opening ~120 files).
> I cannot however read the 6 variables I need within one loop.
> If I make one for loop for each variable I can read 3 variable
> and it crashes at the 4th. So basically, on Linux the number
> of files that can be open is roughly contained between 720 and
> 960 files.
> I followed your suggestion of your last e-mail and googled
> "Too many open files Os x". The results point more or less
> towards increasing some internal limit, often times with "ulimit".
> My thinking is that one shouldn't have to increase any internal
> limit when one opens and closes a file within the same loop, which
> is what I have done. It seems to me that the scipy.io.netcdf
> methods are not working properly, especially the close() method.
> I know this isn't a Sage problem per say, but it does hinder
> the progress of Sage within the circle of colleagues that work
> on weather and climate. Until I find a solution to this problem,
> I am stuck with Mathematica for my analysis of climate data.

Can you make the specific data somehow available to us so we can try
to replicate this problem and find a workaround?  Thanks!!

 -- William

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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