On Oct 17, 2:43 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I see it says:
> **
>   These binaries are only for OS X 10.4 or 10.5.  They will not work
> on OS X 10.3.
> **
> However, that's simply wrong, since the binaries are only for the
> platform listed in the name of the dmg.  Argh.  That needs to be
> changed.  (I was thinking of a different README file when I wrote my
> response.)    Thanks for the bug report.  We are tracking this here;
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7235

As a suggestion, perhaps future ReadMe files can just say ...

"These binaries are only for the OS X version that is indicated by the
package .dmg name.
They generally will not work on any other OS X version (unless
explicitly stated otherwise)."

Then, the readme is always relevant for any given package.

It was actually my initial thought that -10.6 would only work on OS X
10.6, until I read the ReadMe and could also find no -10.5 binaries.
So, this was a matter of an intersection of two events, one mistake in
the ReadMe and one delay in the binary postings.

I see in the meantime at least one reference to -10.5 binaries, so
I'll soon be able to test the proper install. I'll report back with
success or failure.

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