Dear Burcin, Tim, Jason, et al. - and sage-support:

This is a new question related to the previous discussion, though it's
not quite the same.

sage: u = function('u')
sage: h,x = var('h,x')
sage: p = diff(u(x+h),h,1)

Okay, so far so good, and in the syntax note that CLEARLY h is the
variable of differentiation.

sage: p.subs(x=0)
sage: p.subs(h=0)

I don't see any way to distinguish between these last two guys in
terms of the variable of differentiation, certainly not for the end
user.  Shouldn't there be a way to do that?  Perhaps this is related
to the as-yet open trac tickets Jason referred to earlier.

Thanks for any clarification and help!

- kcrisman
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