x x wrote:
>> I think the problem here is that .gif is not a recognized image format.
>> Try .png instead.
> Thanks for the suggestion but p.save("Test.png") also doesn't work.
> The following code:
> ------------
> var('x,y,z')
> p=implicit_plot3d(x*y+z^2==0, (x, -3, 3), (y, -3, 3), (z, -3,
> 3),viewer='tachyon')
> p.save?
> ------------
> outputs:
> -----------
> File: 
> /home/niels/Desktop/n/install/sage/sage-4.1.1/devel/sage/sage/structure/sage_object.pyx
> Type: <type ‘builtin_function_or_method’>
> Definition: p.save(filename=’None’, compress=’True’)
> Docstring:
>     Save self to the given filename.
>     sage: f = x^3 + 5
>     sage: f.save(SAGE_TMP + '/file')
>     sage: load(SAGE_TMP + '/file.sobj')
>     x^3 + 5
> -----------

That's right.  This has come up before---p.save() for 2d graphics tries 
to save an image.  p.save() for 3d graphics doesn't try to save an 
image.  It's an inconsistency.  One way to get fix this is to override 
the 3d graphics save routine to do what the 2d graphics save routine 
does---look at the file extension and if it is a recognized image 
extension, save the image; otherwise, save a Sage sobj pickle.  This is 
also why 3d things don't work with animate().  animate() expects to be 
able to do p.save('test.png') and have a graphic image test.png saved 
out to disk.

You can save a 3d graphics by hand by plotting in jmol and either 
selecting "Get Image" next to the image, which converts to jpg, or if 
you're doing this from the command line, you can select File|Export from 
the java viewer that pops up.  That's rather laborious for creating an 
animation, though.

To get an image using tachyon, use show() with filename and viewer 

sage: show(sphere(), filename='test',viewer='tachyon')

You can use that trick to make a .save() method for 3d graphics (maybe 
TransformGroup class or something?) that behaves like the 2d graphics 
save.  Then animate should work.

I don't have time to do this right now, but I think this should give 
someone enough information to be able to fix things if they are interested.



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