Set the environment variable SAGE_TESTDIR to control this location.
The school IT staff pointed me the right direction. :-)

- Ryan

On Sep 2, 2:50 pm, Ryan Hinton <> wrote:
> I am working with our school IT staff to install Sage.  I compiled it
> in a temporary location, they copied it to an "official" location (and
> ran it once to regenerate path-dependencies), and now I'm trying to
> run the doctests.  But I get failures like the following because I
> don't have write-access to the installed location.
> $ ./sage -t devel/sage/sage/algebras/
> sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/algebras/"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/share/apps/contrib/sage-4.1/local/bin/sage-doctest", line
> 754, in <module>
>     test_file(argv[1], library_code = library_code)
>   File "/share/apps/contrib/sage-4.1/local/bin/sage-doctest", line
> 587, in test_file
>     open(f,"w").write(s)
> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: './'
>          [0.2 s]
> exit code: 256
> When my CWD is in my home directory (i.e. I have write access), it
> tries to write the doctest files to '.../sage-4.1/
> tmp/'.
> So the question: how can I skip writing these files, or specify what
> location these files should be created?
> Thanks!
> - Ryan
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