> The code leaves a lot to be desired. For example, now that we have  
> fast_callable, with CDF support, we should be using that. Actually,  
> we're using the helper function setup_for_eval_on_grid (to normalize  
> the boundaries) and then ignoring the returned function, so this  
> check is completely useless.

Yes, that would be very good.  Would that be hard to implement (for
someone who didn't write fast_callable or fast_float, that is, as they
are busy enough :) )?

> As for being a function of one or two variables, it's unclear what  
> the best approach is to take here. Clearly we want to allow plotting  
> complex functions of a complex variable, but the alternative is  
> useful too. For functions, the number (and names) of the arguments  
> they take is explicit, but for expressions like sin(z) or x+y+i it's  
> not as obvious. Does the x in plot3d(x+1, ...) stand for the real  
> part of the complex argument, or the entire thing? Or perhaps the  
> bounds should be complex numbers defining the rectangle, like

The current notation is fine for now.  The problem is that my plot3d
was in fact a real-valued function, and my complex_plot function was a
nice complex-valued one, but they both went boom.  The remark about
input was just an aside, sorry for obscuring the main point.

- kcrisman
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