Simon King wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> On 22 Aug., 04:49, Jason Grout <> wrote:
>> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
> [...]
>>> One problem with this is that then one can't do "print M" and get what one
>>> expects from a non-terminal line (e.g. inside a function, or anything but
>>> the last line of a notebook cell).
>> Can you elaborate?  I'm not sure what you're trying to say---what would
>> one expect?  I thought Simon was saying that print M would lead a user
>> to expect the matrix to be printed out.
> I think that means: Suppose you do want the output "29 x 29 dense
> matrix over Integer Ring", but you are inside a function. If inside
> the function you said "M", nothing would appear; if you said "print
> M", then (according to my original suggestion) everything would be
> shown, although this time you don't want it. You could do "print
> M.__repr__()" inside the function, but that's not nice.

Of course, you'd probably do repr(M) instead, which is more standard 
Python.  But that's not something I'd expect someone to be able to guess 
naturally.  And I don't think using repr would work anyway, since that 
is what is used for output when you just type M.

print M prints M.__str__()

M by itself prints out M.__repr__()

> A configuration object would be a nice thing to have. And perhaps
> *additionally* a display method that shows the matrix no matter what.

+1 on a function that does this, without having to set an attribute.  +1 
also on making sure that we don't keep adding more and more 
special-purpose display functions without making them have some sort of 
consistent scheme.  +1 also on making the "display" function name 
somehow indicate how it is different than "show" or "prettyprint" or 
other similar-sounding functions.


Jason Grout

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