> If sagenb.org is to slow it is *not* a hardware issue -- we have enough
> hardware to support a huge number of users.  It's also likely not a
> bandwidth issue because Univ of Washington has tons of bandwidth.  It's a
> software issue:
>     (1) the notebook server software itself needs to be made more scalable
>     (2) the notebook server runs using the free VMware server, which is very
> limited (e.g., at most 8GB RAM and at most 2 virtual processors).
> I will be address both (1) and (2) in October.  Regarding (2), I'll probably
> switch from vmware to VirtualBox, and (1) will just take a massive amount of
> hard work and careful benchmarking.
I  hope that you'll be looking very closely at the architecture
of codenode, as to not duplicate effort, because we already have
put in a massive amount of hard work making it scalable and efficient.

Probably the most important areas where the Sage notebook and
codenode differ, and thus aid codenode in being more scalable and
efficient are:

- The components are very decoupled.  You can run the backend as
a totally separate process as the frontend (a Twisted process).
You also can run the frontend in very optimized separate processes
(e.g. run Django
from Nginx's WSGI, and serve all static files from Nginx, which is
extremely fast).

- The entire architecture of codenode is based around a relational database,
as opposed to doing file+shell operations, and using things like pickle.
Once you have many users, with many notebooks, plus revision
history, plus search, etc this becomes a huge deal.  With Django's
ORM you can use it simply and locally with a database like SQLite
and when it comes time to scale out you can use a big MySQL
instance running on a dedicated machine.


For those not familiar with codenode (http://codenode.org)
and are interested in code Notebooks in general I'd strongly
suggest getting on our mailing list here:codenode-de...@googlegroups.com
We been making some great progress recently, but more input
and collaboration could never hurt :-)
William and I basically "invented" the Sage Notebook at UCSD
around 2006.  codenode was started about 1 1/2 later in hopes
of creating a better, more generalized code Notebook.

>> We use a dualboot install based on the KNOPPIX DVD and I think they have
>> iceweasel.
> Sage should work fine with iceweasel.
>> Thanx,
>> A. Jorge Garcia
>> email
>> mailto:calcp...@aol.com
>> website
>> http://calcpage.tripod.com
>> weblog
>> http://calcpage.tripod.com/shadowfax
>> Teacher & Professor
>> Applied Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
>> Baldwin Senior High School & Nassau Community College
>> In a message dated 8/9/2009 1:21:10 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
>> docfleetw...@gmail.com writes:
>> It is great to hear (read) that the online site is designed to remain
>> indefinitely.  I think that is the way I will go with my students.
>> ________________________________
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> http://wstein.org
> >

Alex Clemesha

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