I am using mandriva2008 spring version I think you can help me to correct
the difficulty. Thanks a lot for a genuine and fast reply.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Minh Nguyen <nguyenmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Noufal,
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:55 PM, noufal asharaf<noufalasha...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I am noufal a research scholar in mathematics from India.  I have
> downloaded
> > sage from the net and tried to install in my PC but it shows a warning
> > message ยจ This sage install was built on a machine that supports
> > instructions that are not available on this computer. Sage will likely
> fail
> > with illegal instruction errors! the following processor flags were on
> the
> > build machine but are not available on this computer. My laptop acer4710
> the
> > processsor attached to this is intel dual core T2080 1.73GHz the
> > architecture supports SSE3 but it asks about SSSE3 a modified form of
> SSE3
> > can i change this how can i overcome this problem. will you please help
> me
> I don't know what your operating system is (is it Windows, Linux, Mac
> OS X, etc?) but my guess is that you have downloaded a binary version
> of Sage. I have not come across people using Windows or Mac OS X who
> reported such problems with Sage. So my guess is that you're using a
> Linux distribution. But which distribution of Linux? If you're using
> Ubuntu, then, yes, people have reported such problems with Sage
> binaries for Ubuntu. In that case, some people have had success in
> using a Debian binary of Sage under Ubuntu, so you might want to try
> using a Debian binary of Sage under Ubuntu. Another option is to
> compile Sage from source. Having said that, it's difficult to diagnose
> the technical issues you're having without knowing the operating
> system you are using.
> --
> Regards
> Minh Van Nguyen
> >

Research Scholar
Department of Mathematics
University of Kerala
ph: +919447327154

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