On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 8:51 AM, VictorMiller <victorsmil...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Suppose that q is a prime power, and I have an elliptic curve E over GF
> (q)
> (say created by E = EllipticCurve(coefficient_list))
> and P,Q = E.gens()
> How can I find E just given P (say if I pass just P to a function)?
> If I say
> print P.parent()
> I get something like
> Abelian group of point on Elliptic Curve defined by blah blah
> So the information must be there, but I can't figure out which method
> to call.



> Victor
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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