I confess I'm not a mathematician (I'm an economist) and it's been
almost 25 years since I took a basic course in abstract algebra.  But
this is interesting.  From the wikipedia page on Grobner bases, it
seems I should be able to compute solutions to the system based on the
Grobner basis, but I can't figure out how.  I don't suppose sage has a
function that maps these bases to solutions?

Also, the fact that there are three bases (each corresponding to a
solution?) makes me worry a bit since I know there are at least four
solutions.  The fact that there are three also makes me think this
might be the method that Maxima is using behind the scenes since it
found 3 solutions.  And for the record, my fourth solution (x1 and x2
both equal to sqrt(5) - 2) does satisfy the Grobner bases.

On Jul 16, 10:46 am, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does this help any?
> sage: R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 2, 'x1,x2', order='lp')
> sage: x1,x2 = R.gens()
> sage: f1 = 1/2*((x1^2 + 2*x1 - 4)*x2^2 + 2*(x1^2 + x1)*x2 + x1^2)
> sage: f2 = 1/2*((x1^2 + 2*x1 + 1)*x2^2 + 2*(x1^2 + x1)*x2 - 4*x1^2)
> sage: I = (f1,f2)*R; I
> Ideal (1/2*x1^2*x2^2 + x1^2*x2 + 1/2*x1^2 + x1*x2^2 + x1*x2 - 2*x2^2,
> 1/2*x1^2*x2^2 + x1^2*x2 - 2*x1^2 + x1*x2^2+ x1*x2 + 1/2*x2^2) of
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x1, x2 over Rational Field
> sage: B = I.groebner_basis(); B
> [x1^2 - x2^2, x1*x2 - 1/8*x2^6 - 3/8*x2^5 + 9/8*x2^4 + 15/8*x2^3 -
> 3/2*x2^2, x2^7 + 4*x2^6 - 6*x2^5 - 20*x2^4 + 5*x2^3]
> Readhttp://www.sagemath.org/doc/constructions/polynomials.html#gr-bner-bases
> for more examples.

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