On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:37 AM, mac8090<bonzerpot...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> For a given k, is it possible to instantly get an k-th root of unity
> in sage without making extra fields, or by using e^(2*pi*I/k)?

I'm a bit confused by your question. If you mean k-th roots of unity in
the complex field CC then

sage: z = e^(2*pi*I/7)
sage: z^7

works for me. If youmean the kth roots of unity in some other field
(after all, every field contains 0 and 1) then you should specify the
field to determine where you want the roots of x^k-1=0 to lie.

> On a similar note, anybody know why I can't get sage to equate e^
> (theta*I) == cos(theta) + I*sin(theta) ?

I don't know. Sage uses Maxima. Does maxima know Euler's formula?

> >

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