I have tested this up to 10000, seems to work:

def brute_force_s4(n):
    Brute force search for decomposition into a sum of four squares,
    for cases that the main algorithm fails to handle.
    for i in range(0,int(sqrt(n))+1):
        for j in range(i,int(sqrt(n-i^2))+1):
            for k in range(j, int(sqrt(n-i^2-j^2))+1):
                l = int(sqrt(n-i^2-j^2-k^2))
                if n-i^2-j^2-k^2-l^2==0:
                    return [i,j,k,l]

def sq4(n):
    Computes the decomposition into the sum of four squares,
    using an algorithm described by Peter Schorn at:
    if squarefree_part(Integer(n)) == 1:
        return [0,0,0,sqrt(n)]
    m = n
    v = 0
    while mod(m,4)==0:
        v = v +1
        m = m/4
    if mod(m,8) == 7:
        d = 1
        m = m - 1
        d = 0
    if mod(m,8)==3:
        x = int(sqrt(m))
        if mod(x,2) == 0:
            x = x - 1
        p = (m-x^2)/2
        while not is_prime(p):
            x = x - 2
            p = (m-x^2)/2
            if x < 0:
            # fall back to brute force
                m = m + d
                return [2^v*q for q in brute_force_s4(m)]
        y,z = two_squares(p)
        return [2^v*q for q in [d,x,y+z,abs(y-z)]]
    x = int(sqrt(m))
    p = m - x^2
    if p == 1:
        return[2^v*q for q in [d,0,x,1]]
    while not is_prime(p):
        x = x - 1
        p = m - x^2
        if x < 0:
            # fall back to brute force
            m = m + d
            return [2^v*q for q in brute_force_s4(m)]
    y,z = two_squares(p)
    return [2^v*q for q in [d,x,y,z]]

Marshall Hampton

On Jul 10, 9:30 am, Santanu Sarkar <sarkar.santanu....@gmail.com>
> Is the algorithm for sum of four square i,e every positive integer
> can be expressed as the sum of four square  is  implemented in
> Sage
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