On 21 Jun 2009, at 16:21, lim wrote:

> When I try to drag the "sage" folder from /Applications to Terminal,
> the following message appears:

Why would you do that? (dragging from Applications to Terminal). You  
sound rather confused.

I'll try to write out the steps as simply as I can. If this seams  
obvious, forgive me.
Some of this you will already have done:

1. Download the sage-4.0.1-OSX10.5-Intel-i386-Darwin.dmg file.

2. Open it to mount it (Safari may have done this automatically)

3. You should have a window that is the contents of the disk image.  
Drag the 'sage' folder to somewhere on your hard disk. (If you get  
asked for a password, then I would cancel and choose somewhere else) A  
good choice to get things running is your desktop. You can move it  
later if you want. You'll need about 1GB of space on your drive.

4. Eject the Disk image. You don't need it anymore. (Not essential,  
but it stops confusion)

5. Open the sage folder on the hard disk (e.g. on your desktop).  
Inside, there is a program called 'sage'. Double click to run it.

6. A terminal window will appear, and after a little while you should  
get a 'sage:' prompt. Type 'notebook()'  to get the notebook running.

7. Safari should open and take you to the notebook.

That's all I do to get sage running. If you have any more problems,  
please tell us which steps you've managed to do. It's very difficult  
to solve problems when we don't know what you've done.


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