Hi Saj,

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Saj<ammasa...@gmail.com> wrote:


First, you should create another copy of the main Sage library. This
is called "cloning". Here, I switch to the main Sage repository, then
clone it, naming my clone "6139" to reflect the ticket number that I'm
dealing with:
[mv...@darkstar sage-4.0]$ ./sage -b main
<system messages>
[mv...@darkstar sage-4.0]$ ./sage -clone 6139
<more system messages>
After cloning, I then switch to the cloned repository and start
applying patches:
[mv...@darkstar sage-4.0]$ ./sage -br 6139
<more system messages>
| Sage Version 4.0, Release Date: 2009-05-29                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
Loading Sage library. Current Mercurial branch is: 6139
Attempting to load remote file:
Loading: [...]
cd "/home/mvngu/usr/bin/sage-4.0/devel/sage" && hg status
cd "/home/mvngu/usr/bin/sage-4.0/devel/sage" && hg status
cd "/home/mvngu/usr/bin/sage-4.0/devel/sage" && hg import
applying /home/mvngu/.sage/temp/darkstar/6309/tmp_1.patch
Attempting to load remote file:
Loading: [.]
cd "/home/mvngu/usr/bin/sage-4.0/devel/sage" && hg status
cd "/home/mvngu/usr/bin/sage-4.0/devel/sage" && hg status
cd "/home/mvngu/usr/bin/sage-4.0/devel/sage" && hg import
applying /home/mvngu/.sage/temp/darkstar/6309/tmp_2.patch
Now I quit Sage, start it again using the "6139" branch, and proceed
with working using that branch:
sage: exit
Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0.41s, Wall time 0m44.16s).
[mv...@darkstar sage-4.0]$ ./sage -br 6139
<more system messages>
| Sage Version 4.0, Release Date: 2009-05-29                         |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
Loading Sage library. Current Mercurial branch is: 6139
sage: S = mq.SBox(3, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 2, 2)
sage: S(0)
sage: S([0,0,0])
[1, 1]
Anyway, I noticed in previous emails on this thread that you installed
Sage in a system-wide directory, i.e. somewhere under /usr/local.
That's only recommended if other users besides yourself on the system
will be using the Sage installation. You don't need to install Sage in
a system-wide directory. You can install it under your home directory.

Hope the tips help.

Minh Van Nguyen

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