On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 5:16 PM, davidp <dav...@reed.edu> wrote:
> Is there a fast way to create a submatrix?
> -------------------------------------------------
> sage: version()
> 'Sage Version 4.0.alpha0, Release Date: 2009-05-15'
> sage: G = graphs.GridGraph([100,100])
> sage: L = G.laplacian_matrix()
> sage: L
> 10000 x 10000 sparse matrix over Integer Ring
> sage: time M = L[1:9999,1:9999]
> CPU times: user 24.93 s, sys: 0.04 s, total: 24.97 s
> Wall time: 25.27 s
> ----------------------------------------------------
> I am just interested in deleting a single row and column of the matrix
> (not necessarily the first).
> Thanks,

There is no fast way to do that right now.  One could easily add code
to SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_sparse.pyx that
would provide blazingly fast deletion of a row, and reasonably fast
deletion of a column.   Of course it would be better to implement
arbitrary slicing in some optimized way in matrix_integer_sparse.pyx.
I hope somebody does so.


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