Kevin Horton wrote:
> On 18 May 2009, at 16:49, Franco Saliola wrote:
>> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:55 PM, Kevin Horton <>  
>> wrote:
>>> On 18 May 2009, at 15:10, William Stein wrote:
>>>> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Kevin Horton
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> A recent discussion of ways to find help pointed out a very useful
>>>>> construct:
>>>>> *word*? at the sage command line will provide a list of commands  
>>>>> that
>>>>> include the letters "word". E.g.
>>>>> sage: *word*?
>>>>> Subwords
>>>>> word_problem
>>>>> words
>>>>> I note that this construct does not work in a notebook - the  
>>>>> results
>>>>> is "No object '' currently defined.".  Is this the intended
>>>>> behaviour,
>>>>> or is it a bug?
>>>> It is a NotImplementedError.
>>> Fascinating.  I had naively assumed that anything that wasn't
>>> recognized as a notebook-specific construct would simply be passed to
>>> sage for it to handle.  Obviously the notebook is a lot more
>>> complicated than I had realized.  Am I to infer that every new  
>>> command
>>> that is added to sage also needs to be implemented in the notebook?
>> No. I think that your confusion lies in the fact that you are  
>> thinking of
>> the command line as Sage. It is better to think of it as an  
>> interface to
>> Sage. It is a customized version of the IPython (Interactive Python)  
>> shell.
>> The command you mention is specific to the command line 'interface'.  
>> There
>> is, as of yet, no equivalent of this command defined for the notebook
>> interface.
>> Hope this helps.
> Yes, that is very helpful.  Thank you.  There are so many layers to  
> the onion that I had lost track of which one I was dealing with.  This  
> ability to interpret *word* probably comes from ipython, but ipython  
> is bypassed by the notebook.

for a related thread, where we discussed adding this functionality to 
the tab completion in the notebook and the command line.  No code has 
come out of this discussion yet...


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