On Apr 19, 12:42 pm, "ma...@mendelu.cz" <ma...@mendelu.cz> wrote:
> Hell, I think that my question is related
> tohttp://groups.google.cz/group/sage-support/browse_thread/thread/7cb33...
> How can I write a function which takes determinant of matrix A below
> and perfoms Laplace expansion along the last row, and shows the output
> without evaluating 2x2 subdeterminants
> A=matrix([[1,2,3],[3,2,0],[1,0,1]])
> A
> Is this possible in Sage? (I think than in maxima it is sufficient to
> put ' before each determinant call)
Dear Robert,
Probably this belongs on sage-support, and I am forwarding this
there. Unfortunately I do not know the answer but I suppose it should
be possible in Sage if it is possible in Maxima, though perhaps it
would be somewhat "wordy".
- kcrisman
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