William Stein wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:56 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Jose Guzman <n...@neurohost.org> wrote:
>>> William Stein wrote:
>>>> 2009/4/15 William Stein <wst...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> 2009/4/15 Jose Guzman <n...@neurohost.org>:
>>>>>> Hi there
>>>>>> I am trying to teach some simple principles of single compartment models
>>>>>> with sage and I plotted a couple of exponential equations in my notebook.
>>>>>> Although I got a nice x-axis () and other labels and similar things, I
>>>>>> cannot find a way to plot the y-axis in the vertical axis. Is there
>>>>>> anyway to do it?
>>>>>> You can take a look to my notebook to see what I mean
>>>>>> http://sagenb.org/home/pub/457
>>>>>> Another additional problem is that the LaTeX fonts are pretty small, and
>>>>>> I  cannot represent Greek letters (like alpha, tau, pi,etc..) in the
>>>>>> labels (see the syntax bellow).
>>>>>> xlabel = text('Time (Units of $\tau$)',(3,-.10), rgbcolor='black')
>>>>>> This \tau does not show up in the graphic, but strange enough, this
>>>>>> works out of the box (pretty small though)
>>>>>> lnlabel = text('Unrecoverable fraction ($f_{U} = 1 -
>>>>>> f_{S}$)',(4,FS+.05),rgbcolor='black')
>>>>>> thank you very much in advance for your help and care!
>>>>> Just one remar. There is a fontsize option to text:
>>>>> xlabel = text('Time (Units of $\tau$)',(3,-.10), rgbcolor='black', 
>>>>> fontsize=30)
>>>>> William
>>>> The second remark is that backslash is an escape character for strings in
>>>> (almost) all programming languages.  You have to do \\ to get a single
>>>> backslash, so this works:
>>>> xlabel = text('Time (Units of $\\tau$)',(3,-.10), rgbcolor='black', 
>>>> fontsize=30)
>>>> Or you can do:
>>>> xlabel = text(r'Time (Units of $\tau$)',(3,-.10), rgbcolor='black', 
>>>> fontsize=30)
>>> Thank you very much for your remarks, everything worked fine, except for
>>> that  I did not manage to create a vertical oriented y-axis label.
>> That might not be implemented yet in Sage directly.
>>>  I
>>> think the solution would be to import the matplotlib python module and
>>> use it under Sage, however I did not find a proper manual to follow.
>> Here is how to use matplotlib directly in the Sage notebook:
>> import pylab as p
>> p.figure()
>> t = p.arange(0.01, 2.0, 0.01)
>> s = p.sin(2 * p.pi * t)
>> s = p.array([float(f(x)) for x in t])
>> P = p.plot(t, s, linewidth=4)
>> p.xlabel('time (s)'); p.ylabel('voltage (mV)')
>> p.title('Matlab-style plotting in Sage')
>> p.grid(True)
>> p.savefig('sage.png')
> The above example depends on a function f being defined, e.g.,
> x = var('x')
> f(x) = sin(3*x)*x+log(x) + 1/(x+1)^2
> >
Thank you very much for your nice example. Actually I became confused 
with all the backend stuff, but this example I realize how to use 
matplotlib under Sage, although I have to admit I love the plotting 
capabilities of Sage. Is there any way I can have a look to the code so 
that I might try to implement some new characteristisc (like y-axis, 
fontsize of the axis, etc...)

Thank you very very much!


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