On Apr 8, 1:11 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:14 PM, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> You probably don't have nearly enough RAM to support running several
> >> Sage processes.   Perhaps your use of ulimit to limit resource
> >> consumption isn't setup very well.  It's hard to give you any
> >> information at all though, given that your email question doesn't
> >> clearly summarize all the details about your current Sage notebook
> >> install.  There are infinitely many ways to configure a Sage notebook
> >> server.
> > Just as a postscript, this (very new) problem we are having turns out
> > to have nothing to do with memory etc, at least not directly.
> > Instead, the following process in the virtual machine seems to be the
> > problem:
> > python /usr/local/sage/local/bin/twistd --pidfile=sage_notebook/
> > twistd.pid -ny sage_notebook/twistedconf.tac
> That process is the Sage notebook server.
> > It consumes between 99% and 100% of all CPU on the VM whenever one
> > attempts to evaluate, e.g., 2+2.  For minutes on end, with no other
> > users doing anything.  Eventually, when people give up or the
> > calculation ends or is interrupted, it goes back to a quiescent
> > state.  It starts up immediately upon starting the machine, which is
> > done with the additional instruction
> Your Sage notebook is probably seriously misconfigured.  Not knowing anything
> further and not having access, I have no idea how.  I've never seen
> the actual problem
> you're describing though.
> I hope you figure it out.
> William

The symptom of twisted going nuts is exactly what happened in the
wiki. Which kernel are you using? Can you check kern.log (or is it
kernel.log) in /var/log for any oddities?

The issue on the old sagemath.org was with some probability a hardware
issue, i.e. wonky RAM, even though that was never 100% verified.


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