For example:

sage: f1(x) = x^2
sage: f = Piecewise([[(0,3),f1]])
sage: f.riemann_sum(6,mode="midpoint")
Piecewise defined function with 6 parts, [[(0, 1/2), 1/16], [(1/2, 1),
9/16], [(1, 3/2), 25/16], [(3/2, 2), 49/16], [(2, 5/2), 81/16], [(5/2,
3), 121/16]]

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 9:51 AM, M.E._Mac <> wrote:
> I am taking a Calculus class and we are studying Reimann Sum. I am
> trying to plot a function with the boxes drawn in at the right
> endpoints, left endpoints, and middle points. For example, f(x)=x^2,
> find the area under the curve on the interval [0,3], n=10, with a)
> right endpoints, b) left endpoints, and c) middle points. I can do it
> mathematically but I can not plot it yet. I have searched through the
> tutorial online, but can't seem to find anyway to do it. Any help is
> appreciated. Thanks.
> >

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