
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Bob <gotw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to find the roots of this polynomial, where are coefficients
> are in this matrix:
> coef=matrix([[1],[-1],[-1],[0]])

First, you should construct a polynomial.  A matrix of coefficients is
not the preferred way to work with polynomials in Sage.

sage: coef=matrix([[1],[-1],[-1],[0]])
sage: R.<x> = QQ[]; R
sage: f = R( list(coef.column(0)) ); f
-x^2 - x + 1

Above, I created the polynomial ring R (in the variable x), and then I
created the polynomial by passing in the 0th column of the matrix in
as a list.

Next, you use the .roots() method to get the roots.  If you don't
specify an additional ring, it will default to the one that the
polynomial is defined over.

sage: f.roots()
sage: f.roots(QQ)

The above says that the polynomial has no rational roots.  You
probably want floating point complex numbers (which is what polyroots
in MathCAD gives).

sage: CDF
Complex Double Field
sage: f.roots(CDF)
[(-1.61803398875, 1), (0.61803398875, 1)]


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