Dear David,

On Mar 1, 5:04 pm, David Joyner <> wrote:
> >> > newest_version gap
> >> > gap-4.4.12.p1
> >> > and strip the ".pX" off the version number in case it exists. Another
> >> > one would be to look into the right directory and find the highest
> >> > currently installed GAP version.
> Okay, but won't having a script which earlier than 3.3 versions can't find
> also break such an install? I guess I'm not completely understanding your idea
> and how I can help gap_packages* by implementing it.

As you say above, the spkg-install script has a hard-coded definition
GAP=gap-4.4.10. This is bad since in some situations the actual gap
version is a different one, so that things like
  rm -rf "$SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/$GAP/pkg/"
go to the wrong place.

Hence, the suggestion is to define the variable GAP by some script
that picks the latest version of gap. This can be done by the script
'newest_version' that you can find in SAGE_ROOT/spkg/standard/, and
which was there also in previous versions of Sage.

Hence, assuming that you are in spkg/standard, you could define
  GAP=`./newest_version gap`
which currently yields GAP=gap-4.4.10.p10, and then you have to
somehow remove the '.p10'.


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