Not sure if this helps, but one way of saving images in a batch process 
is to create a unique name within the loop that creates the plots and 
save the image using this name. For example, if the loop increments the 
integer i, and the images are created using matplotlib (pylab) include 
the following in the loop:

name = 'image'+str(i)+'.png'

This would save the images under the names image1.png, image2.png etc.

It should work in a similar way with any other plots that can be saved 
as images.

If you want to do that, you would not need any animation functionality, 
just create a plot in every time step and save the image, then use any 
external animation software that makes a movie out of a bunch of images.


Crab wrote:
> Hum... I talked to my colleague again today and convinced him to give
> SAGE a try and to produce the animation using ffmpeg.
> Now the question is: in sage is it possible to save the sequences of
> images as a batch process (verses saving them one-by-one by hand)?
> Also he wonders if it possible to save the "3d data" of the graph in
> some format without using Jmol.
> Thanks in advance
> On Feb 24, 5:08 pm, Jason Grout <> wrote:
>> pong wrote:
>>> A colleague of mine would like to produce some 3D animation (an
>>> illustration involving cones and spheres). He looked into SAGE and
>>> said it will be difficult compare to Mathematica and so he decided to
>>> use the latter.
>>> By reading this group, I understand one can render the images via
>>> tachyon then produce the animation by imagemagick. I just wonder if
>>> there is any update (easier way) to do this.
>> Jmol (our 3d graphic viewer) has some very nice animation capabilities.
>>   We haven't tapped those in Sage yet, though.  There are lots of demos
>> up online.  A quick Google search yields these, for example:
>> Basically, jmol has a scripting language that lets you animate things in
>> the image.
>> It would be cool if Sage could automatically write such an animation
>> script from some sort of Sage plot command...
>> Jason
> >


Stan Schymanski
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Postfach 10 01 64
D-07701 Jena

Phone: +49.3641.576264
Fax: +49.3641.577274

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