To implement M_R in Sage would be non-trivial, since it
is a pair of moves followed by a solid cube rotation.
The rotation changes *all* the moves which follow it.
So to implement X*M_R*Y (reading left-to-right) in Sage
you'd have to change Y.

I've done it in a few cases to check moves but it is always a pain.
Maybe someone could write a move converter?

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On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Pierre <> wrote:
> hi there,
> sorry if this is not really sage-related (it is in a way).
> So David, i'm currently reading your book "adventures in group
> theory", and i'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'm sure it will also be of
> great help when i finally teach sage in my university (the switch from
> maple is about to happen, maybe next year!)
> there is something puzzling me though, if i may say so... It's the
> movement M_R. As you describe it, it moves the middle slice...
> therefore moving the central facets, so strictly speaking it's
> certainly not a move in the cube's group. I understand that you can
> almost get the same effect by moving the left and right faces in the
> opposite direction, so something like LR^-1 if i get the orientations
> right. However, there is a difference, in that you need to look at the
> cube from another angle if you want to get the feeling that it's the
> middle slice that's just moved. In doing so, the next moves U, F ...
> become ambiguous to me, as i don't know what the "front" is anymore.
> i've tried this with sage, following section 5.1.1, p287, trying to
> "flip the top edges uf, ub":
> sage: rubik = CubeGroup()
> sage: r= rubik.R()
> sage: l= rubik.L()
> sage: u= rubik.U()
> sage: d= rubik.D()
> sage: f= rubik.F()
> sage: b= rubik.B()
> sage: mr = r^(-1)*l
> sage: flip= (mr*u)^3*u*(mr^(-1)*u)^3*u
> sage: P= rubik.plot3d_cube(flip); show(P)
> the result is a bit of a mess.
> what am i getting wrong ?
> thanks !
> Pierre
> >

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