On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 6:32 PM, JerryBear <mathb...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I am trying to make it possible for the SAGE VMWare math server to be
> accessible over the internet to outside
> parties. I have a URL for the server,, but it is
> only accessible on my computer. I am running it under Windows Vista.
> I have a fixed URL for my computer but it is
> not the same.  I am using SAGE as my main program for teaching
> mathematics in the virtual world of Second Life, and it would be handy
> if
> my students could access the SAGE server on my computer from the
> Internet.  I am also using the education
> system MOODLE on my computer (the Second Life implementation is called
> SLOODLE) and their server is
> readily accessible from the Internet without any problems, but it uses
> the computer URL. I  can access the SAGE math server in Second life on
> my computer, but nobody else can.

You have to configure VMware to use "Bridged Networking".


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