I am looking for help/cooperation in experimental researching of the
possibility of deriving generalized ("n" parameter based ) definite
integral identity relating Pi with ALL (each at its own value of n)
Pi fractional convergents described in

for n=2,3,4,... (excluding n=0,1)

See below my exchange with S. K. Lukas.

Unfortunately I do not have sufficient computational resources (I do
not have access to Maple or Mathematica, instead I have Pari/GP
installed on
my very old home computer) to take advantage of Stephen's generous
offer to play with his Maple > program, which he wrote and which is
listed in

May one of you could help me by modifying (porting to SAGE)  and
running Stephen's
program towards verifying is there a pattern or not ?

Quotting William Stein's kind reply to my email:
"the program is on page 9 of the linked to pdf and
that it is literally only 18 lines of code, and would likely be very
easy for somebody who knows *both* Sage and Maple to port to Sage."

 Best Regards,
 Alexander R. Povolotsky
> -------------------------------------------------
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Stephen Lucas <luca...@jmu.edu> wrote:
>> Alexander,
>> Thanks for your email, I could only get to it now due to a heavy day
>> of teaching.
>> I am tempted to say that what you have found are essentially
>> coincidences.
>> However, don't let me dissuade you from searching for patterns -- I
>> may indeed have missed them. If you want to experiment with my Maple
>> code, go right ahead.
>> Incidentally, since you read the paper from my website, you may be
>> interested to know that an edited version of it (slightly condensed
>> without the Maple code) was published this month (February 2009) in
>> the American Mathematical Monthly.
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Steve Lucas
>> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Alexander Povolotsky <apovo...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Dear Stephen,
>>> I found and read your article "Integral approximations to Pi with
>>> nonnegative integrands"
>>> http://www.math.jmu.edu/~lucassk/Papers/more%20on%20pi.pdf
>>> I looked specifically into the "make-up" of your formula
>>>  Pi = 355/113-1/3164*Int(x^8*(1-x)^8*(25+816*x^2)/(1+x^2),x = 0 .. 1)
>>> I noticed that
>>> 3164 / (816 - 25) = 3164/791= 3164 / (7 * 113)  = 4
>>> where  originally (incorrectly)  I thought that 7 is den of 22/7 and
>>> 113 is den of 355/113 ...
>>> also we observe that 113 - 7 = 106
>>> Then I looked at your another formula
>>> Pi = 104348/33215 -1/38544*Int(x^12*(1-x)^12*(1349
>>> -1060*x^2)/(1+x^2),x = 0 .. 1)
>>> I noticed that
>>> 38544 / (1349 + 1060) = 38544 / 2409 = 38544 / (3 * 11 * 73 )    = 16
>>>  is it interesting that 33 + 73 = 106 as above ?
>>> Also one could see that in your formula for 103993/33102
>>> 755216 / (124360 - 77159) = 755216 / 47201 = 755216 / (7 * 11 * 613) =  16
>>> as well as that in your formula for 333/106
>>> 530 / (462 - 197) = 530 / 265 = 530 / (5 * 53) = 2
>>> Is it some sort of pattern there with regards to ratios ?
>>> Actually  the construct to get the ratios is the same - (if i am not
>>> mistaken) it takes in account the initial sign of the involved terms.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Regards,
>>> Alexander R. Povolotsky
>> --
>> Stephen Lucas, Associate Professor
>> Department of Mathematics and Statistics
>> MSC 1911, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 USA
>> Phone 540 568 5104, Fax 540 568 6857, Web http://www.math.jmu.edu/~lucassk/
>> Email lucassk at jmu dot edu (Work) stephen.k.lucas at gmail dot com

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