David Joyner wrote:
> Maybe this?
> sage: V = VectorSpace(SR, 2)
> sage: x,y = var('x,y')
> sage: f = V([x+y,x-x*y])
> sage: f(2,3)
> (5, -4)

Okay, that makes the most sense to me, at least how we have things set 
up now.  However, it's not quite natural yet.  f is not a map there, 
it's a vector.  I can't query for the arguments of f, or for the 
variables in f, I can't get a jacobian, etc.  If n=1, I still can't 
plot3d(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2)) (however, if n=2, I can use 
plot_vector_field).  I can't ask for the domain or codomain of f, etc. 
Some of these are trivial to see, but it shows that Sage doesn't think 
of f as a function.

So I need to implement a .jacobian() method for SR^n, plus .arguments() 
and .variables().  Or is this the right place for these things?  I guess 
that's why I'm asking these questions.


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