On 15 Jan., 21:00, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> The simplified form is cached, so you can use this to fool it into  
> thinking it's already simplified.
> sage: f = q + 1 + q
> sage: f._simp = f
> sage: f
> q + 1 + q

thank you very much Robert!

Unfortunately this drives show() into endless recursion:

[~2000 lines deleted]
  File "[...]/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/calculus/
calculus.py", line 5284, in _latex_
    return self.simplify()._latex_()
  File "[...]/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/calculus/
calculus.py", line 5283, in _latex_
    if simplify and not self._has_been_simplified():
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

On a sidenote: Even this hack does not return the exact same formular
given but some mathematically equivalent form:

sage: void = var("a, b, c")
sage: d = b * (a/c)
sage: d._simp = g
sage: d

This seems awfully simple unless one has to explain the transformation
of a much longer formular to some laymen, which is exactly what I'm
just trying to escape from.

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