On 13 jan, 12:20, mabshoff <michael.absh...@mathematik.uni-
dortmund.de> wrote:
> On Jan 13, 2:53 am, sonnen <sonne...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Michael,
> Hi Eric,
> > thank you for your quick answer.
> > I found that the xft font library used by Tk is requiring a link with
> > ImageIO which causes the trouble. The fix could then be to compile a
> > new version of Tk without the xft font library.
> > ./configure --enable-framework --disable-xft (Tcl/Tk as a framework)
> > ./configure --disable-xft (X11 lib)
> Ok, interesting.
> > Unfortunately there is a documented bug in python on mac when one uses
> > self installed Tcl/Tk libraries (http://bugs.python.org/msg74544)
> > One needs to fix the setup.py file in the python source, by putting
> > the
> > /System/Library underneath /Library/Frameworks in the function
> > detect_tkinter_darwin
> > (another option would be to install the X11 version of Tcl/Tk) but
> > then one would also
> > need to modify setup.py by commenting out detect_tkinter_darwin in
> > detect_tkinter.
> > In both cases, one needs to modify the Python setup.py included in the
> > sage distribution.
> Ahh, bugs, bugs, bugs :)
> > What is the best way for doing that ?
> Nearly all spkgs are just tar.bz2 archives. To make changes to the
> python.spkg do the following:
> ./sage -sh
> cd spkg/standard
> tar xjf python-2.5.2.$FOO.spkg
> cd python-2.5.2.$FOO
> edit things in src as needed
> ./spkg-install
Hi Michael
thanks a lot! Tkinter is now working fine for me and I can use
matplotlib with the TkAgg backend
For the record, here are the steps I followed to get it working on Mac
OS (10.4 and 10.5)
1) Download the Tcl/Tk sources
2) Compile the unix version (of Tcl and Tk) as follows
./configure --enable-framework --disable-xft, make, make install
3) Modify the setup.py file in the src directory of python-2.5.2.p8 by
/System/Library underneath /Library/Frameworks at the top the
function detect_tkinter_darwin
4) run ./spkg-install in python-2.5.2.p8
5) reinstall matplotlib: sage -f matplotlib-0.98.3.p4
As this is the way Apple recommends to do it in the developer
documentation. I suggest that
the fix in the function detect_tkinter_darwin of the python-2.5.2.p8
setup.py gets included in the official Sage release. People needing
Tkinter on mac would then just need to have Tcl/Tk without
xft installed before compiling Sage.
Best wishes and thanks for the great job you are doing with the Sage
developers and maintainers,
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